Tuesday 24 November 2015

Autodesk university vs Autodesk academy

What The difference between the two AUTODESK official sites Autodesk university and Autodesk academy ?
Autodesk university mainly share separates lectures by famous Engineers , CEO or practitioners whose have alot of experience in a such software or even in concept or workflow and personally i considered this site is very useful site for those whose want to learn the concepts of work not the software tool only

Autodesk academy mainly share lessons, projects and curriculum to learn the software tool and also i consider it very useful site



Project Phases & Level of Detail (LOD)

Project Phases

In the construction industry, the design process is described by the phases of pre-design, conceptual design, design development, and final design. The building life cycle process is described by the phases of construction and building operation.
Typical Design Process of Buildings

Level of Detail (LOD)
In order to efficiently manage the process of working in a BIM workflow, the industry has adopted a formal language of describing the completeness of a digital model at a given point in time. This language is “Level of Development” (LOD).  LOD, in the BIM world, ranges from 100 (basic/conceptual) to 500 (highly detailed/precise). It is not unusual for levels of expected development to be part of the contract documents as described by the American Institute of Architect’s Building Information Modeling Protocol
LOD phases can be summarized as follows.
  • LOD 100:  Modeled elements are at a conceptual point of development. Information can be conveyed with massing forms, written narratives, and 2D symbols. 
  • LOD 200:  Modeled elements have approximate relationships to quantities, size, location, and orientation.  Some information may still be conveyed with written narratives.  
  • LOD 300:  Modeled elements are explained in terms of specific systems, quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. 
  • LOD 400: Continuation of LOD 300 with enough information added to facilitate fabrication, assembly, and installation. 
  • LOD 500: Modeled elements are representative of as installed conditions and can be utilized for ongoing facilities management.
It is worth mentioning that a relationship between LOD and design phases can be loosely established. However, it should be emphasized this relationship is not empirical. For instance a project as a whole may be in design development, but in the digital model, the building envelope system may be fully detailed with exact materials and thicknesses. More so, plumbing systems might be represented with single lines, not modeled geometries.  

Reference :BPA certificate 

Monday 23 November 2015


The term BIM is a popular buzzword used by software developers to describe the
capabilities that their products offer. As such, the defi nition of what constitutes
BIM technology is subject to variation and confusion. To deal with this confusion, it is useful to describe modeling solutions that
do not utilize BIM design
technology. These include tools that create the following kinds of models:
  • Models that contain 3D data only and no (or few) object attributes. These
are models that can only be used for graphic visualizations and have no
intelligence at the object level. They are fi ne for visualization but provide
little or no support for data integration and design analysis. An example is
Google’s SketchUp application which is excellent for rapid development
of building schematic designs, but limited use for any other type of analysis because it has no knowledge of the objects in the design other than
their geometry and appearance for visualization.

  • Models with no support of behavior. These are models that define objects
but cannot adjust their positioning or proportions because they do not
utilize parametric intelligence. This makes changes extremely labor intensive and provides no protection against creating inconsistent or inaccurate
views of the model.
  • Models that are composed of multiple 2D CAD reference files that must
be combined to defi ne the building. It is impossible to ensure that the
resulting 3D model will be feasible, consistent, countable, and display
intelligence with respect to the objects contained within it.
  • Models that allow changes to dimensions in one view that are not automatically refl ected in other views. This allows for errors in the model that
are very diffi cult to detect (similar to overriding a formula with a manual
entry in a spreadsheet).

Definition of Parametric Objects in BIM

The concept of parametric objects is central to understanding BIM and its differentiation from traditional 3D objects. Parametric BIM objects are defined as follows:
  • Consist of geometric definitions and associated data and rules.
  • Geometry is integrated nonredundantly, and allows for no inconsistencies.When an object is shown in 3D, the shape cannot be represented internallyredundantly, for example, as multiple 2D views. A plan and elevation of agiven object must always be consistent. Dimensions cannot be “fudged.”
  • Parametric rules for objects automatically modify associated geometrieswhen inserted into a building model or when changes are made toassociated objects. For example, a door will fi t automatically into a wall,a light switch will automatically locate next to the proper side of the door, awall will automatically resize itself to butt to a ceiling or roof, and so forth.
  • Objects can be defined at different levels of aggregation, so we can definea wall as well as its related components. Objects can be defi ned and managed at any number of hierarchy levels. For example, if the weight of awall subcomponent changes, the weight of the wall should also change.
  • Objects’ rules can identify when a particular change violates object feasibility regarding size, manufacturability, and so forth.
  • Objects have the ability to link to or receive, broadcast, or export setsof attributes, for example, structural materials, acoustic data, energy data,and the like, to other applications and models.
Technologies that allow users to produce building models that consist of
parametric objects are considered BIM authoring tools.

Sunday 22 November 2015

BIM in picture

definition of BIM technology according to NBIMS

defi nition of BIM technology

provided by the National Building Information Modeling Standard (NBIMS)
Committee of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Facility
Information Council (FIC). The NBIMS vision for BIM is “an improved

planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance process using a

standardized machine-readable information model for each facility, new or
old, which contains all appropriate information created or gathered about that
facility in a format useable by all throughout its
lifecycle.” (NIBS 2008).

NIST Study of Cost of Construction Industry Inefficiency

NIST Study of Cost of Construction
Industry Inefficiency
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) performed a study
of the additional cost incurred by building owners as a result of inadequate

interoperability (Gallaher et al. 2004). The study involved both the exchange
and management of information, in which individual systems were unable to
access and use information imported from other systems. In the construction
industry, incompatibility between systems often prevents members of the
project team from sharing information rapidly and accurately; it is the cause of
numerous problems, including added costs, and so forth. The NIST study
included commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings and focused on
new and “set in place” construction taking place in 2002. The results showed
that ineffi cient interoperability accounted for an increase in construction costs
by $6.12 per square foot for new construction and an increase in $0.23 per
square foot for operations and maintenance (O&M), resulting in a total added
cost of $15.8 billion. Table 1–1 shows the breakdown of these costs and to
which stakeholder they were applied.
In the NIST study, the cost of inadequate interoperability was calculated by
comparing current business activities and costs with hypothetical scenarios in
which there was seamless information fl ow and no redundant data entry. NIST
determined that the following costs resulted from inadequate interoperability:
Avoidance (redundant computer systems, ineffi cient business process
management, redundant IT support staffing)
Mitigation (manual reentry of data, request for information management)
Delay (costs for idle employees and other resources)

Of these costs, roughly 68 percent ($10.6 billion) were incurred by
building owners and operators. These estimates are speculative, due to the
impossibility of providing accurate data. They are, however, significant and
worthy of serious consideration and effort to reduce or avoid them as much
as possible. Widespread adoption of BIM and the use of a comprehensive
digital model throughout the lifecycle of a building would be a step in the
right direction to eliminate such costs resulting from the inadequate interoperability of data.

What Kind of Building Procurement Is Best When BIM Is Used?

There are many variations of the design-to-construction business process,
including the organization of the project team, how the team members are
paid, and who absorbs various risks. There are lump-sum contracts, cost plus
a fi xed or percentage fee, various forms of negotiated contracts, and so forth.
It is beyond the scope of this book to outline each of these and the benefits
and problems associated with them (but see Sanvido and Konchar, 1999; and
Warne and Beard, 2005).
With regard to the use of BIM, the general issues that either enhance or
diminish the positive changes that this technology offers depends on how well
and at what stage the project team works collaboratively on one or more digital
models. The DBB approach presents the greatest challenge to the use of BIM
because the contractor does not participate in the design process and thus must
build a new building model after design is completed. The DB approach may
provide an excellent opportunity to exploit BIM technology, because a single
entity is responsible for design and construction. The CM@R approach allows
early involvement of the constructor in the design process which increases the
benefit of using BIM and other collaboration tools. Various forms of integrated
project delivery are being used to maximize the benefi ts of BIM and “Lean”
(less wasteful) processes. Other procurement approaches can also benefit
from the use of BIM but may achieve only partial benefits, particularly if BIM
technology is not used collaboratively during the design phase.


Integrated Project Delivery
Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a relatively new procurement process that

is gaining popularity as the use of BIM expands and the AEC facility management (AEC/FM) industry learns how to use this technology to support integrated teams. There are multiple approaches to IPD as the industry experiments
with this approach. The American Institute of Architecture (AIA) has prepared sample contract forms for a family of IPD versions (AIA 2010). They
have also published a useful Guide to IPD (AIA 2010). In all cases, integrated
projects are distinguished by effective collaboration among the owner, the
prime (and possibly sub-) designers, the prime (and possibly key sub-) contractor(s).
This collaboration takes place from early design and continues through project
handover. The key concept is that this project team works together using the best
collaborative tools at their disposal to ensure that the project will meet owner
requirements at signifi cantly reduced time and cost. Either the owner needs to be
part of this team to help manage the process or a consultant must be hired to
represent the owner’s interests, or both may participate. The tradeoffs that are
always a part of the design process can best be evaluated using BIM—cost, energy,
functionality, esthetics, and constructability. Thus, BIM and IPD go together and
represent a clear break with current linear processes that are based on paper representation exchange of information. Clearly the owner is the primary beneficiary
of IPD, but it does require that they understand enough to participate and specify
in the contracts what they want from the participants and how it will be achieved.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Construction Management at Risk

Construction Management at Risk
Construction management at risk (CM@R) project delivery is a method in

which an owner retains a designer to furnish design services and also retains
a construction manager to provide construction management services for a
project throughout the preconstruction and construction phases. These services may include preparation and coordination of bid packages, scheduling,
cost control, value engineering, and construction administration. The construction manager is usually a licensed general contractor and guarantees the
cost of the project (guaranteed maximum price, or GMP). The owner is responsible for the design before a GMP can be set. Unlike DBB, CM@R brings the
constructor into the design process at a stage where they can have definitive
input. The value of the delivery method stems from the early involvement of
the contractor and the reduced liability of the owner for cost overruns.


The design-build (DB) process was developed to consolidate responsibility for
design and construction into a single contracting entity and to simplify the
administration of tasks for the owner (Beard et al. 2005). Figure 1–3 illustrates
this process.
In this model, the owner contracts directly with the design-build team
(normally a contractor with a design capability or working with an architect)
to develop a well-defi ned building program and a schematic design that meets
the owner’s needs. The DB contractor then estimates the total cost and time
needed to design and construct the building. After all modifications requested
by the owner are implemented, the plan is approved and the final budget for
the project is established. It is important to note that because the DB model
allows for modifi cations to be made to the building’s design earlier in the process, the amount of money and time needed to incorporate these changes is also
reduced. The DB contractor establishes contractual relationships with specialty
designers and subcontractors as needed. These are usually based on a fixed
price, lowest bid basis. After this point, construction begins and any further
changes to the design (within predefi ned limits) become the responsibility of
the DB contractor. The same is true for errors and omissions. It is not necessary
for detailed construction drawings to be complete for all parts of the building
prior to the start of construction on the foundation and early building elements.
As a result of these simplifications, the building is typically completed faster,
with far fewer legal complications, and at a somewhat reduced total cost. On
the other hand, there is little fl exibility for the owner to make changes after the
initial design is approved and a contract amount is established.
The DB model is becoming more common in the United States and is used
widely abroad. Data is not currently available from U.S. government sources,
but the Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) estimates that, in 2006,
approximately 40 percent of construction projects in the United States relied
on a variation of the DB procurement approach. Higher percentages (50 to 70
percent) were measured for some government organizations (Navy, Army, Air
Force, and GSA).
The use of BIM within a DB model is clearly advisable. The Los Angeles
Community College District (LACCD) has established a clear set of guidelines for this use of BIM for its design-build projects (see http://standards.
Figure 1–3 is adapted from this paper and shows the BIM-related workflow
and deliverables for this standard.


A signifi cant percentage of buildings are built using the Design-Bid-Build (DBB)
approach (almost 90 percent of public buildings and about 40 percent of private
buildings in 2002) (DBIA 2007). The two major benefi ts of this approach are:
more competitive bidding to achieve the lowest possible price for an owner; and
less political pressure to select a given contractor. (The latter is particularly
important for public projects.) Figure 1–2 schematically illustrates the typical
DBB procurement process as compared to the typical Construction Management at Risk (CM at Risk) and Design-Build (DB) processes (see Section 1.2.2)
In the DBB model, the client (owner) hires an architect, who then develops a
list of building requirements (a program) and establishes the project’s design
objectives. The architect proceeds through a series of phases: schematic
design, design development, and contract documents. The final documents
must fulfill the program and satisfy local building and zoning codes. The
architect either hires employees or contracts consultants to assist in designing

structural, HVAC, piping, and plumbing components. These designs are
recorded on drawings (plans, elevations, 3D visualizations), which must then
be coordinated to refl ect all of the changes as they are identifi ed. The final
set of drawings and specifi cations must contain suffi cient detail to facilitate
construction bids. Because of potential liability, an architect may choose to
include fewer details in the drawings or insert language indicating that the
drawings cannot be relied on for dimensional accuracy. These practices often
lead to disputes with the contractor, as errors and omissions are detected and
responsibility and extra costs reallocated.
Stage two involves obtaining bids from general contractors. The owner
and architect may play a role in determining which contractors can bid. Each
contractor must be sent a set of drawings and specifi cations which are then
used to compile an independent quantity survey. These quantities, together
with the bids from subcontractors, are then used to determine their cost
estimate. Subcontractors selected by the contractors must follow the same
process for the part of the project that they are involved with. Because of
the effort required, contractors (general and subcontractors) typically spend
approximately 1 percent of their estimated costs in compiling bids.1 If a
contractor wins approximately one out of every 6 to 10 jobs that they bid on,
the cost per successful bid averages from 6 to 10 percent of the entire project
cost. This expense then gets added to the general and subcontractors’ overhead costs.
The winning contractor is usually the one with the lowest responsible bid,
including work to be done by the general contractor and selected subcontractors. Before work can begin, it is often necessary for the contractor to redraw
some of the drawings to refl ect the construction process and the phasing of
work. These are called general arrangement drawings. The subcontractors
and fabricators must also produce their own shop drawings to reflect accurate details of certain items, such as precast concrete units, steel connections,
wall details, piping runs, and the like.
The need for accurate and complete drawings extends to the shop drawings, as these are the most detailed representations and are used for actual
fabrication. If these drawings are inaccurate or incomplete, or if they are based
on drawings that already contain errors, inconsistencies, or omissions, then
expensive time-consuming confl icts will arise in the fi eld. The costs associated
with these confl icts can be significant.
1 This is based on two of the authors’ personal experience in working with the construction industry. This cost includes the expense of obtaining bid documents, performing quantity takeoff, coordinating with suppliers and subcontractors, and the cost estimating processes.
Inconsistency, inaccuracy, and uncertainty in design make it difficult to
fabricate materials offsite. As a result, most fabrication and construction must
take place onsite and only after exact conditions are established. Onsite construction work is more costly, more time-consuming, and prone to produce
errors that would not occur if the work were performed in a factory environment where costs are lower and quality control is better.
Often during the construction phase, numerous changes are made to the
design as a result of previously unknown errors and omissions, unanticipated
site conditions, changes in material availabilities, questions about the design,
new client requirements, and new technologies. These need to be resolved by
the project team. For each change, a procedure is required to determine the
cause, assign responsibility, evaluate time and cost implications, and address
how the issue will be resolved. This procedure, whether initiated in writing or
with the use of a Web-based tool, involves a Request for Information (RFI),
which must then be answered by the architect or other relevant party. Next a
Change Order (CO) is issued and all impacted parties are notifi ed about the
change, which is communicated together with needed changes in the drawings. These changes and resolutions frequently lead to legal disputes, added
costs, and delays. Web site products for managing these transactions do
help the project team stay on top of each change, but because they do not
address the source of the problem, they are of marginal benefit.
Problems also arise whenever a contractor bids below the estimated cost
in order to win the job. Contractors often abuse the change process to recoup
losses incurred from the original bid. This, of course, leads to more disputes
between the owner and project team.
In addition, the DBB process requires that the procurement of all materials be held until the owner approves the bid, which means that long lead time
items may extend the project schedule. For this and other reasons (described
below), the DBB approach often takes longer than the DB approach.
The fi nal phase is commissioning the building, which takes place after construction is fi nished. This involves testing the building systems (heating, cooling,
electrical, plumbing, fi re sprinklers, and so forth) to make sure they work properly. Depending on contract requirements, fi nal drawings are then produced to
reflect all as-built changes, and these are delivered to the owner along with all
manuals for installed equipment. At this point, the DBB process is completed.
Because all of the information provided to the owner is conveyed in 2D
(on paper or equivalent electronic fi les), the owner must put in a considerable
amount of effort to relay all relevant information to the facility management
team charged with maintaining and operating the building. The process is
time-consuming, prone to error, costly, and remains a significant barrier.
As a result of these problems, the DBB approach is probably not the
most expeditious or cost-efficient approach to design and construction. Other
approaches have been developed to address these problems.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the most promising developments in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries.
With BIM technology, one or more accurate virtual models of a building are

constructed digitally. They support design through its phases, allowing better
analysis and control than manual processes. When completed, these computergenerated models contain precise geometry and data needed to support the
construction, fabrication, and procurement activities through which the building
is realized.
BIM also accommodates many of the functions needed to model the lifecycle
of a building, providing the basis for new design and construction capabilities
and changes in the roles and relationships among a project team. When adopted
well, BIM facilitates a more integrated design and construction process that
results in better quality buildings at lower cost and reduced project duration.


In the seven years since the term “Building Information Modeling” or BIM was
first introduced in the AEC industry, it has gone from being a buzzword with a
handful of early adopters to the centerpiece of AEC technology, which encompasses all aspects of the design, construction, and operation of a building.
Most of the world’s leading architecture, engineering, and construction firms
have already left behind their earlier, drawing-based, CAD technologies and
are using BIM for nearly all of their projects. The majority of other firms also
have their transitions from CAD to BIM well underway. BIM solutions are now
the key technology offered by all the established AEC technology vendors that
were earlier providing CAD solutions. In addition, the number of new technology providers that are developing add-on solutions to extend the capabilities of
the main BIM applications in various ways is growing at an exponential pace.
In short, BIM has not only arrived in the AEC industry but has literally taken it
over, which is particularly remarkable in an industry that has historically been
notoriously resistant to change.
It is important to keep in mind that BIM is not just a technology change,
but also a process change. By enabling a building to be represented by intelligent objects that carry detailed information about themselves and also understand their relationship with other objects in the building model, BIM not only
changes how building drawings and visualizations are created, but also dramatically alters all of the key processes involved in putting a building together:
how the client’s programmatic requirements are captured and used to develop
space plans and early-stage concepts; how design alternatives are analyzed for
aspects such as energy, structure, spatial configuration, way-finding, cost, constructability, and so on; how multiple team members collaborate on a design,
within a single discipline as well as across multiple disciplines; how the building is actually constructed, including the fabrication of different components
by sub-contractors; and how, after construction, the building facility is operated and maintained. BIM impacts each of these processes by bringing in more
intelligence and greater effi ciency. It also goes over and beyond improving existing processes by enabling entirely new capabilities, such as checking a multidisciplinary model for confl icts prior to construction, automatically checking a
design for satisfaction of building codes, enabling a distributed team to work
simultaneously on a project in real time, and constructing a building directly
from a model, thereby passing 2D drawings altogether. It is hardly surprising,
then, to fi nd that BIM has also become the catalyst for significant process and
contractual changes in the AEC industry such as the growing move towards
IPD or “Integrated Project Delivery.”
Given how vast BIM is, both as a multi-disciplinary design, analysis,
construction, and facilities management technology, as well as the harbinger
of dramatic process changes, it would seem almost impossible to distill the
essence of it in a book. Yet this is precisely what The BIM Handbook has been
able to do. It provides an in-depth understanding of the technology and processes behind building information modeling, the business and organizational
issues associated with its implementation, and the advantages that the effective
use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team, including architects,
engineers, contractors and sub-contractors, facility owners and operators,
as well as building product suppliers who need to model their products so
that they can be incorporated into the building model. The book is targeted
towards both practitioners in the industry as well as students and researchers
in academia. For practitioners, it provides not just a deeper understanding
of BIM but practical information including the software applications that are
available, their relative strengths and limitations, costs and needed infrastructure, case studies, and guidance for successful implementation. For students
and researchers, it provides extensive information on the theoretical aspects of
BIM that will be critical to further study and research in the field.
First published in 2008, The BIM Handbook is authored by a team of
leading academics and researchers including Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz,
Rafael Sacks, and Kathleen Liston. It would be diffi cult to fi nd a team more
suited to crafting the ultimate book on BIM. Chuck Eastman, in particular,
can be regarded as the world’s leading authority on building modeling, a
field he has been working in since the 1970s at universities including UCLA
and Carnegie-Mellon. I referred to his papers and books extensively during
the course of my own Ph.D. work in building modeling while I was at UC
Berkeley. In 1999, he published the book Building Product Models: Computer
Environments Supporting Design and Construction, which was the first and
only book to extensively compile and discuss the concepts, technologies, standards, and projects that had been developed in defi ning computational data
models for supporting varied aspects of building design, engineering, and construction. He continues to lead research in the area of building product models
and IT in building construction in his current role as Professor in the Colleges
of Architecture and Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
and Director of Georgia Tech’s Digital Building Laboratory. In addition to his
research and teaching work, Chuck is very active in industry associations such
as the AISC, NIBS, FIATECH, and AIA TAP, and is a frequent speaker at
industry conferences.
Given his credentials and those of his co-authors including Paul Teicholz,
who founded the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford
University and directed that program for 10 years; Rafael Sacks, Associate
Professor in Construction Management at the Technion (Israel Institute of
Technology); and Kathleen Liston, also from Stanford University and an industry practitioner, it is hardly surprising that The BIM Handbook continues to be
one of the most comprehensive and authoritative published resources on BIM.
This new second edition, coming three years after the publication of the first
edition, keeps up with all of the rapid advances in BIM technology and associated processes, including new BIM tools and updates to the existing tools,
the growing availability of model servers for BIM-based collaboration, the
increasing focus on extending BIM technology all the way through to facilities
management, the growing use of BIM to support sustainable design and lean
construction, the integration of BIM with technologies such as laser-scanning
to capture as-built conditions, and the growing momentum of alternate delivery models such as IPD. The new edition also greatly expands upon the case
studies section of the fi rst edition, highlighting several new projects that have
pushed the boundaries of BIM use to achieve exceptional results, both in signature architecture as well as more common building designs.
The book is well organized with an executive summary at the beginning of
each chapter providing a synopsis of its content and a list of relevant discussion questions at the conclusion of each chapter targeted towards students and
professors. In addition to a bibliography, it includes a very useful Company
and Software Index towards the end of the book that lists all the different
software applications that were discussed in the book and the corresponding
page numbers, not only making it easy to fi nd the sections where a particular
software is discussed, but also to get an at-a-glance overview of the extensive
range of BIM and related applications that are currently available.
It is not often that practitioners in a fi eld can get the benefi ts of an extensively researched and meticulously written book, showing evidence of years of
work rather than something that has been quickly put together in the course
of a few months, as most industry-focused books tend to be. The AEC industry
has been fortunate to have this distinguished team of authors put their efforts
into creating The BIM Handbook. Thanks to them, anyone in the AEC industry looking for a deeper understanding of BIM now knows exactly where to
look for it. It brings together most of the current information about BIM, its
history, as well as its potential future in one convenient place. It is, of course,
the must-have text book on BIM for all academic institutions who would like
to teach or research this subject, given the academic and research credentials
of its authors. There were many sections of the book that were illuminating
and insightful even to someone like me, who has been analyzing and writing
about AEC technology for close to ten years now. This helps to gauge how
much value the book would bring to an AEC practitioner whose prime focus
would be on the actual process of design, construction, or operation of a building rather than a full-time study of the technologies supporting it. True to its
title, The BIM Handbook indeed serves as a handy reference book on BIM for
anyone working in the AEC industry who needs to understand its current and
future technological state of the art, as BIM is not only what is “in” today but
is also the foundation on which smarter and better solutions will be built going

Lachmi Khemlani, Ph.D.

Founder and Editor, AECbytes